content production

Guest post: @tracytilly on blogging as a job recruiter in Syracuse

17 November 2010

Today we have a guest post by Tracy Tillapough, or Tracy Tilly.  Tracy is a Technical Recruiter at Professionals Incorporated in Syracuse, NY and a Job Coach Consultant. She’s passionate about helping people find their next best career through providing job search advice culled from her 4+ years working as a recruiter. Tracy manages Professionals [...]


5 Great Resources to Maximize the SEO of your Online Content

22 October 2010

B2B SEO: Content Sourcing and Optimization - Asking the right questions when sourcing content for search engine and social media optimization can reveal substantial assets that many marketers didn’t even think of using. This article suggests several key questions to ask, as well as identifies topics related to these different types of content and media for [...]


6 Content Resources from Conversation Agent

24 September 2010

We’re big fans of Valeria Maltoni‘s Conversation Agent.  She talks a lot about content generation and creating effective content production strategies, which we’re obviously all about.  We’ve included below six of her most recent posts on the topic, as we found them all helpful. New Content Strategy Resource - It turns out that attracting and [...]


Does a Content Production Strategy Have a Place in Manufacturing?

10 September 2010

It’s probably pretty safe to say that the manufacturing sector has generally been a “follower” in its adoption of online marketing practices.  It may also feel like “content” is hard to come by in many manufacturing settings - content that will draw people to your company, your products, your people.  Is manufacturing a content-hopeless space? [...]


6 Analytics Stats that Tell You A Lot About Your Blog Content

30 April 2010

End of the month here, which means Google Analytics time.  While I’m at it, I thought I’d share with you a few (this is only a few!) of the stats that I find valuable in terms of telling me what content is working, and what’s not working. Average Time on Page: This might be one [...]


5 Ways to Attract People to Your Content Before They Even Click

15 April 2010

This may be old news to a lot of you, but I keep seeing enough pieces of content out there - blog posts, eBooks, articles, you name it - that are unattractive enough for me to not even consider opening them. The sad thing is that many of them are probably great sources of information [...]
