Top Other Side Group Posts of 2010

by Kate on 31 December 2010

in Blogroll

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Here’s to another successful year at Other Side Group.  Thanks for being here with us!

We thought we’d resurrect some of our top posts from the year, in case you missed them.

Happy New Year, and we look forward to a great 2011!

Emotional Brand - it’s also important (13 July 2010) - A discussion on the increased importance of the emotional component of your brand.

5 Tips for Selling the Value of Social Media Inside Your Company (10 August 2010) - In this guest post, Kristin Zajac gives several ways to pitch social media implementation to your organization.

Strategy, Tactics and Flexibility (9 November 2010) - A frank discussion on how tactics and strategy work in marketing plan.

5 Ways to Create a Successful Facebook Page (4 March 2010) - Anya showed us some good things to think about from her experience building the Lesley University Facebook Page.

Voice: The New Mandatory Brand Component (9 June 2010) - Like the emotional parts of your brand, your Voice is becoming increasingly important in social media.

5 Ways to Attract People to Your Content Before They Even Click (15 April 2010) - How do you get people excited about your content before they even get to it? A few things to think about.

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