Girls in Tech: Case Study on Generation Progress and Their Social Media Program

Generation Progress had some great questions about how to think about quality vs. quantity in a social media program, and how to connect to constituents in a personal way, but still under the auspices of a brand.

Please feel free to give Generation Progress further advice in the comments section!

Specific questions that Generation Progress has:

  • We have found it difficult to connect with followers on a personal level through @GP_tweet, and have resorted in several instances to connecting through personal Twitter accounts instead - what recommendations might you have for connecting in a meaningful, valuable way through an organization’s Twitter account?
  • How might we foster a more conversational discourse through social media? Our email group, GP-Talk, is a vibrant community that we would be thrilled to share with a larger audience - what might be a better media for such a community?
  • Quantity or quality? Should we have a presence on social media platforms that are not ideal for our structure, just so that people can find us? Or, is it best to keep social media limited to the outlets that we can utilize well and are suited to our model?


Rachel Happe, Co-Founder of Community Roundtable
Karen Rubin, Product Owner at HubSpot
Cappy Popp, Co-Founder of Thought Labs
Mike Langford, Founder & Head Tweeter of Tweetworks

If you have any further advice for Generation Progress, feel free to leave them in the comment sections!

Additional Event resources:


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